Our Tumblebus Program:
When we arrive at the center the first thing we do is park and turn off the bus! There are no rides on this bus!
Our Class
Our school year Tumblebus Program runs from September to June and offers fun, fitness and focused lessons designed to improve and encourage the health and wellness of children in our community, ages 18mths – 7. On a regular basis the Tumblebus arrives at your center and our fantastic staff teach a structured class.
Each class begins with a cardio warm up to music. After we have finished our cardio warm up we stretch our muscles while incorporating gymnastic positions. The stretch is followed by our activity circuit which is the core part of the class. Children follow the circuit and work on the skills for that lesson.
Lastly, we have the children come together for our ending activity. This ending activity can include a review of one of our stations, hanging from the rings, riding our famous zipline or parachute games. When we conclude, children are rewarded with a hand stamp and a gummy bear and are returned to class.
The 5 C’s of Tumblebus
Our program has 5 areas of focus;
building balance, strength and flexibility,
improving focus, aptitude and increasing energy,
teaching sportsmanship, patience and friendship,
self-esteem, identity and self-awareness and
setting goals, achieving them and positive reinforcement with a focus on a “Yes I can” attitude.